Identification of Megakaryocyte and Platelet Bone Marrow Niches

Identification of Megakaryocyte and Platelet Bone Marrow Niches

Recipient: Dr Gavin Tjin
Institute: St Vincent's Institute of Medical Researc
Funding: $199,970.50 February 2022 to February 2024 (Cancer Australia PdCCRS funding $50,314.50 and The Kids' Cancer Project funding $149,656)

A bone marrow transplant reduces platelet production in many cancer patients, significantly reducing their quality of life and survival post-transplant.

The Identification of Megakaryocyte and Platelet Bone Marrow Niches Project has shown that the probable cause of the reduced platelets is due to ‘helper’ cells in the bone marrow which help to control blood cell production, becoming altered after a bone marrow transplant.

This project will identify the platelet production specific ‘helper’ cell types which change post-transplant, enabling the identification of better ways to improve platelet recovery in patients.