Cancer fight goes by the book

Cancer fight goes by the book

School students are making preparations for their favourite fiction frenzy.

School students around Australia are making preparations for their favourite fiction frenzy.

It’s all part of Write a Book in a Day, an annual competition that promotes literacy, collaboration and creativity, administrated by independent national charity, The Kids’ Cancer Project.

Write a Book in a Day gives students the opportunity to develop skills that will set them up for life - such as teamwork, problem-solving and leadership, they are also required to raise funds for medical research to help kids with cancer.

Key Write a Book in a Day dates

Registrations open Saturday 1 May 2021

Writing days Tuesday 1 June – Tuesday 31 August 2021

Registered teams of up to 10 (there are Primary and Secondary School divisions as well as an Open division so keen adults don’t miss out), will be given a brief and just 12 hours to write, illustrate and submit a storybook targeted to a youth audience. Completed books are uploaded to an online library to give access to children undergoing treatment in hospitals across the country.

In 2020, more than 7600 writers and illustrators in 1000 separate teams participated, raising over $530,000 for vital scientific research through The Kids’ Cancer Project.

Why Write a Book in a Day

With more children dying of cancer in Australia than any other disease, Col Reynolds, Founder of The Kids’ Cancer Project is eager for even more students to get involved.

“On average every year in Australia 156 children die of cancer. That’s about five classrooms of children, or almost three whole bus loads,” he said.

“If there was a stretch of road in Australia that consistently had that many fatalities the whole country would be up in arms, we need to have that same level of concern directed to kids’ cancer.”

“It warms my heart to see kids helping kids. That’s why I’m so proud of the way students, through Write a Book in a Day, are helping to change these statistics and I know their sponsors will give generously to encourage their creative and philanthropic endeavours,” said Mr Reynolds.

Anyone interested in registering should head to or follow the action on the competition’s Facebook event page. And if you'd like more information about Write A Book in a Day, contact Kimberley Chapple

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