Our powerful community of heroes
We have so many incredible and passionate fundraisers, and I’d like to extend a thank you to every single person who has dedicated their own time to raising vital funds for kids’ cancer research. One person I’d like to highlight today is, Mark Pacey, a dedicated advocate and long-time fundraiser for The Kids' Cancer Project, who orchestrated a remarkable series of events in celebration of the organisation's 30th Anniversary.
The festivities commenced with a spirited trivia night and the pinnacle of Mark's commemorative efforts was an awe-inspiring 30km swim, a physical feat undertaken with unwavering passion and perseverance. Mark, propelled by a deep and very personal commitment to raising awareness and funds, completed the challenging swim in 10 hours and 28 minutes, contributing significantly to the cause. Mark's individual swim and additional funds were raised through various events organized by his supportive community of donors – meaning the total contribution from The Bloody Long Day was almost $90,000. Thank you, Mark.