We sat down with Shivani and her proud mum Shyma to chat about her book, her motivation and what keeps her busy. Read on to be inspired by this wonderful young girl.
1. First, let’s start with some more info about you! How old are you? What year are you in at school?
I am 12 years old, and I am currently in Year 7.
2. What do you like to do outside of school hours?
I like to play volleyball, do art, write stories, and play piano.
3. What is the book about?
The book is about two friends Luke and Blake, and they go on an adventure into the “Dream World’ where they must take back a stolen ancient artifact.
4. What inspired you to want to write a book?
I always liked to read Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton books and I have always liked Harry potter (by JK Rowling) as well. So, these two authors inspired me to create my own book.
5. What made you decide you wanted to support a charity?
I decided to donate to a charity because that are having a tough time in life, especially kids. So, if we try and step in and help, we could support them until they are better, because they have the right to feel and be treated just like us and everyone else.
6. How did you come to choose The Kids’ Cancer Project? (We are so grateful that you have thought of us!)
I chose The Kids’ Cancer Project because I wanted to support kids cancer research, so one day we can have a cure to cancer especially for kids. Recently my grandmother and one of my family friends passed away from cancer. I am really hoping that through research we can find a treatment that works effectively and get rid of it completely.
7. How excited are you about the book launching?
Yes, I was so excited!! It got delayed for many reasons, but I am happy that my book it finally launched. I complete book when I was eleven and it took one year to get it done.
8. Unfortunately, your initial book launch was postponed. Were you disappointed you had to delay the launch?
Yes, I was hoping to publish it in primary school, but the book got delayed due to so many reasons.
9. Shivani – you were also recently titled the Community Citizen of the Year. How exciting is it to be holding that title?
It was such an exciting and proud moment I could not really describe how it felt but it was amazing!
10. What do your friends and family think about your book?
Since it is my first book my friends and family are very proud of me, but I feel like I could improve in certain concepts but overall, it was great!
11. Shyma – how proud of you of Shivani’s achievement?
I am so happy and proud of her, and I am eager to see what Shivani comes up with next.
12. Any final words or quotes from either of you about the book or raising funds?
This book is about "HOPE". Hope means a lots to the Kids and Family affected by cancer . so funding for kids cancer research is a hope for a better future with better treatment for cancer.
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness" -Desmond Tutu
To support Shivani, purchase her new book, “Luke and The Cheese of Hope”. Available in all good book stores and on Kindle
Are you feeling inspired to write your own book? Challenge yourself to write, illustrate and publish a book all in one day to support childhood cancer research. Check our Write a Book in a Day website and help kids with serious illness.