One child to recently be enrolled on a clinical trial is one-year-old Toby, who’s being treated with an exciting new targeted drug. Previously, his treatment involved intense rounds of chemotherapy for a tumour on his left arm, leaving his parents with the heartbreaking decision to either have his arm amputated or continue with the harsh chemo.
It's still not clear if the new drug will make Toby’s tumour go away completely, but for now the results are promising and his tumour is shrinking! Currently, amputation is not being considered after his two rounds of the new drug, he’ll continue receiving it for the foreseeable future in the hope he’ll continue responding. As Associate Professor McCowage says:
“Being able to give children those new treatments means that we can look mothers like Toby’s in the eye and tell them their precious child is getting the very best and newest treatment in the world. They couldn’t go to Paris, or London or New York and access something better – they’re getting the best here in Australia thanks to gifts from people like you.”