Fundraising ideas for primary-school kids

Fundraising ideas for primary-school kids

Check out these low-cost, fun and engaging projects to support your favourite charity. 

These low-cost, fun and engaging projects can involve your primary-school aged child as well as their class, grade or even entire school, helping to boost funds and spread awareness.

Sell a scrunchie Image

Sell a scrunchie

This is a simple fundraising idea that can yield big bucks if you get a group of kid-crafters together to share the load.

All you need is some colourful material, safety pins, needles and thread (a sewing machine is useful but not essential). Find one of the many scrunchie DIY tutorials on YouTube and away you go!

“I know of a girl’s school that raised hundreds of dollars for our charity this way – all the scrunchies were made and sold by the students,” says Kimberley Chapple, Head of Campaigns for The Kids’ Cancer Project.

Write a Book in A Day

If you’re looking for a fundraising project that is creative, collaborative and meaningful for the kids involved, the annual Write A Book In A Day competition is a great choice.

“This fundraiser is definitely ambitious, but it has real depth for kids,” says Kimberley. "Schools often start with just one team, but because it's so popular with students it grows from there."

Teams of up to ten write and illustrate an e-book in a 12-hour period. The finished stories are read by children in hospitals around Australia. 

Learn more: Write a Book in a Day

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Do a 5-cent drive

Who doesn’t have a 5-cent coin or three at home that could be donated? This is the simplest of fundraisers but needs a large school group involved in order to be financially effective.

Students bring in 5-cent coins and then classes compete with each other to see who can collect the most. The drive can last anywhere from a month to a term to build engagement between kids and their chosen charity as Jennie Smiedt, Head of Marketing and Communications at The Kids' Cancer Project explains. 

"By extending the life of the fundraising activity, you provide more opportunities for kids to get involved and to develop indepth knowledge of and empathy for the cause," she says. 

Bake sale

Cupcakes are a classic fundraiser for good reason – they’re so easy, and your little (or even big) ones can be hands-on with the baking, too.

“Kids love helping in the kitchen and creating something they can enjoy,” says Kimberley. “The Kids' Cancer Project Cupcakes 4 a Cure events always go off without a hitch because they’re fully supported with downloadable cupcake themed posters and decorations.”

Cupcake stalls are a sure-fire hit, but if you can’t have a physical stall set-up, there’s other ways to distribute the goods.

“If you’re baking at home, ask your local network to place an order that you personally deliver,” Kimberley says.

Register: Cupcakes 4 a Cure 

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Lose Your Locks Image

Lose Your Locks

If you like the idea of a hair-themed fundraiser but want it to be more daring than decorative, consider a Lose Your Locks event. Kids get sponsored to have their head shaved or cut short and the hair can be donated to create wigs.

“It’s such a big deal for kids to lose their hair, so people are very generous with their sponsorship,” Kate Fairclough, Head of National Engagement for The Kids’ Cancer Project, says.

If the school is on board to host the shaving and chopping event, even better.

“We know of a school where a group of 40-odd girls all had their hair cut off together, which raised lots of money and even got some media coverage,” she says.

Register: Lose Your Locks

Crazy Hair & Sock Day

Kids love to rock up to school in colourful gear, making this event a slam-dunk for fundraising. Go crazy with your locks and silly with socks for a donation. It requires no outlay but stands to make hundreds of dollars for your chosen charity.

Sophie Town, a Sydney-based primary school teacher, has seen plenty of crazy hair days and recommends a pop-up hair salon for kids on the day.

“Kids will happily pay five dollars or more to have their hair done, and all it needs is some volunteer parents and teachers,” says Sophie.

Get the hairspray and glitter gel ready!


Crazy Hair & Sock Day Image

For more information about fundraising with The Kids' Cancer Project call 1800 651 158 or email

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